
     这本书我只看了一部分,当时我是非常喜欢的,我以为这是一部朴实的哲学启蒙书,可是看了电影我觉得我错了,这就是爱丽丝梦游记之艺术之旅嘛(我挺不喜欢爱丽丝梦游记的感觉像恐怖片),我还曾经准备把这本书作为我孩子以后的哲学启蒙书,看来我要重新仔细看一遍这本书再定了,直觉告诉我这不是个好决定—— 影像散文「Can't figure your life out? Can't put the pieces together? Just like me.」「Once the soul was perfect and had wings it could soar into heaven where only creatures with wings can be. But the soul lost its wings and fell to Earth. There it took an earthly body. And now, while it lives in this body, no outward sign of wings can be seen. Yet the roots of its wings are still there. And the nature of wings is to try to raise the earthbound body and soar with it into heaven.」「You don't want love. You want a love experience.」「I've spent 30 years. Not living life. But ruining it.」「Your mind's a theater.」「Love's so rare that when you find it. You can't doubt it.」二十世纪90年代末的哈尔滨,小青年于铁在替人收债时与借贷人的女儿金佳丽一见钟情.     于铁通过自己的善良、爱与执着,打开了金佳丽封闭的内心.     在两人即将携手奔赴幸福之时,突如其来的意外,打断了于铁所有的计划.



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